The most accurate and comprehensive look at your gut microbiome

Optimizing your gut health is not only crucial for good digestion. It also plays a huge role in strengthening your metabolism and immunity. 

Our gut health report provides personalized insights into your gut microbiome, including key bacterial strains and their impact on your overall health.

Scroll down for a full interactive version

Results you can actually trust

Most gut microbiome tests, including the ones that doctors prescribe, only detect a limited set of microbes. Or use a cheaper, lower quality screening technology called 16S. Tiny Health uses metagenomic sequencing, the gold standard in microbiome research.

Start making precise, data-driven decisions for your  health today.

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A detailed view of the gut

We screen for over 120,000 genomes of bacteria, fungi, virus, archaea and parasites and categorize them as beneficial, unfriendly or variable.

Get visibility into what's going on in your gut.

Check for gut health red flags

Mucus-degrading species, Candida, parasites, and opportunistic pathogens can all make the gut leaky.

Protect yourself against inflammation and optimize gut health.

Take targeted action

Your Tiny Health report gives a direct window into your gut health. Once you can see what’s going on, it’s easier to take gut-specific action that supports overall health. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to smart, data-driven decisions!

a circle icon with the number 4

Resample to track progress

Each time you sample, you get an updated report with personalized recommendations that let you know what kind of changes to make in your diet and which supplements to take.

What a Tiny Health report looks like

Click the pulsing buttons to look deeper into some of our most exciting features!

Overall Summary

Get a bird's eye view of your gut, including a custom plan of top-priority actions to focus on, prepared by one of our gut health experts.

Custom review

Our platform guides you through your results to help you understand what the data means and what actions to take first.

Results overview

See how your gut is doing overall, what microbes are in your community, and which areas need your attention.

Hop on a 1-1 call

If you need help navigating your results, book a coaching session with our in-house team of physicians, microbiologists, and nutritionists at a discounted rate.

Section highlights

Sample review:

Our platform guides you through your results to help you understand what the data means and what actions to take first.

Results overview:

See how your gut is doing overall, what microbes make up your community, and which areas need your attention.

Hop on a 1-1 call:

If you need help navigating your results, book a consult with our in-house team of physicians, microbiologists, and nutritionists at a discounted rate.

Personalized Key Insights

Explore essential insights important for your gut health. See what the microbes in your gut are up to, for better or worse.

What needs attention

At the top you’ll find key metrics that are out of range, why you should care, and what you can do about it. 

Click to see more detailed insights

You can deep dive into each key insight to see your levels, compare yourself to a pool of samples, and keep track of how it changes over time.

Section highlights

See what needs attention

At the top you’ll find key metrics that are out of range, why you should care, and what you can do about it.

Click to see more details and metrics

You can deep dive into each key insight to see your levels, compare yourself to a pool of samples, and keep track of how it changes over time.

Microbiome Breakdown

This part of the report shows all the microbes found in your sample and allows us to understand how these microbes interact as a community. You can see how much of each microbe is present down to a 0.05% abundance level, better than most tests in the market.

Beneficial vs Unfriendly

See the proportions of friendly and unfriendly bacteria in your gut, and how this has changed over time.

Full list of microbes

Get a complete list of all the species we detected and their abundances, with explanations of what these microbes’ functions are, complete with references to the scientific studies behind them.

Easily print your results

Generate a PDF of your results, ready to share with a healthcare practitioner.

Section highlights

Beneficial vs Unfriendly

See the proportions of friendly and unfriendly bacteria in your gut, and how this has changed over time.

Full list of microbes

Get a complete list of all the species we detected and their abundances, with explanations of what these microbes’ functions are, complete with references to the scientific studies behind them

Easily print your results:

Generate a PDF of your results, ready to share with a healthcare provider.


This section of the report will help you determine if some of your gut microbes may be contributing to conditions like bloating, IBS, IBD and chronic fatigue.

These are predictive biomarkers

Within specific ages, we can show if your baby has a microbiome that is correlated with the risk of developing certain conditions later.

If your baby already has this condition, you can see what may be triggering inflammation and how to address them in our Key Insights section.

Always up to date

We constantly update these associations as new peer-reviewed research becomes available.

Section highlights

Always up to date

We constantly update these associations as new peer-reviewed research becomes available.

the number 5

Action Plan

This section of the report provides personalized and evidence-based suggestions based on your baby's test results and survey responses.

Get the scoop on what to do

Diet, supplement, and lifestyle suggestions are organized according to priority.

Wondering when to resample?

Here you’ll find quick tips on when to resample so you can keep a close eye at how your gut evolves over time.

Section highlights

Get the scoop on what to do

Diet, supplement, and lifestyle suggestions are organized according to priority.

Wondering when to resample?

Here you’ll find quick tips on when to resample so you can keep a close eye at how your gut evolves over time.

With your report, you will also get access to: 

An action plan tailored for you

Each red flag in your report comes with actionable, evidence-based recommendations.

Track progress over time with detailed charts

Keep tabs on the effects of supplementation, dietary, and lifestyle changes 

In-depth content written by our science team

You’ll be able to dive deeper into the ins and outs of the microbiome and science behind your results

See how your gut health compares

See where your sample stands, compared with the average population in the same age range

Microbiome tracking for your whole family

Including your partner and other children so you can work together towards optimal health.

Additional support via consult call

Talk to our pediatric physicians or microbiologists for more personalized guidance.

What to expect after taking the test

  • You will have a better understanding of what’s in your gut - the good, the bad, and the things that are normal and you don’t need to worry about.
  • You will have a comprehensive action plan with lifestyle, dietary, and supplement recommendations specifically selected for your unique gut microbiome.
  • You will feel more confident when taking your next steps, especially if you need to shop for certain supplements with specific product recommendations.
  • You will feel supported in your journey through tough issues like leaky gut and chronic digestive conditions.
Order your kit

How does Tiny Health compare to other gut health tests?

PCR Tests

(GI Map, GI Effects)
Tailored to mom and baby’s biomarkers
a green checkmark
An X icon
An X icon
An X icon
An X icon
State-of-the art deep shotgun sequencing
a green checkmark
An X icon
Shallow Shotgun
RNA testing (accurate but highly variable)
Outdated 16S Sequencing Technology (high false positives)
Actionable report
a green checkmark
Needs physician for recs (extra $$)
Action is taking the
brand’s probiotics only
Evidence-based, bias-free probiotic & supplements recommendations
a green checkmark
An X icon
An X icon
Comprehensiveness of the test
Full list of all bacteria, yeast, parasites, archaea, and viruses in your gut
Limited to only a subset of microbes the test can identify
List of all bacteria only at the species level
Limited to species level, no reference ranges
Bacteria only

Join thousands of happy families

“When you get health information, people tell you to check with your provider. But often times the providers don’t have the type of knowledge about the early life gut microbiome that Tiny Health does.”
Lauren B.
”After so many formula changes, we weren’t sure how to interpret the results. The Tiny Health Team did a real time review of the formulas we’ve used and how they could influence our baby's microbiome.”
Lillian H.
“My baby has a lot of symptoms and her gut had many items that needed support, so I wasn’t sure what I should prioritize. I was really grateful to speak to a qualified pediatrician who studied microbiology at Tiny Health, and that really clarified the approach and protocols that I would take to start improving my baby’s gut health. I will definitely resample after each step, so that I know what’s working and what’s not.”
Natasha L.
“It was so reassuring to learn that the actions I’ve been taking are helping my children have good gut health. Encourages me to keep them up.”
Paige G.
“My husband and I did the test together (I’m currently pregnant) and I really loved that Tiny Health’s membership came with special discounts to supplements. We received really tailored advice based on our lifestyle and were blown away by how much time the team took to research whether our current supplements were good for us. We’re excited to test frequently with our baby.”
Abby B. 
“Talking with the Tiny Health Team we were able to get specific recommendations about options for probiotic brands and dietary change and guidance on how long we should try them before re-sampling.”
Mallory J.
“The super detailed report analysis went through all my baby’s symptoms, made connections to his gut results and also analyzed all the probiotics he’s been taking to give me clues on what may have worked or not worked. It made me feel 100% heard. Just getting this level of reporting itself is worth the membership price alone.”
Elizabeth Y.
“Speaking with the experts at Tiny Health helped me to prioritize the actions I could take to improve gut health and to make decisions around re-testing based on the actions I was planning to take.”
Brittany O.
“The biggest takeaway from my consultation call was to focus on strategies to increase beneficial bacteria rather than get rid of unfriendly bacteria. We’re often so focused on getting rid of bad stuff, that the opposite might work better! I don’t think I would’ve come away with that on my own.”
Alyssa F.
“Wonderful service - I had such an informative conversation and guidance from Cheryl and Kim. I've ordered all the recommended supplements and will be working with my naturopathic doctor to follow up with some issues we identified. I love that I’m learning about upcoming pregnancy tests and can already start taking action to improve my health rather than to wait for a negative test to show up later. Thanks for providing this essential knowledge to help moms and families navigate gut health!”
Mary B.
“I have found that it is very rare for a pediatrician or even functional medicine practitioner to be on top of the details of specific bacteria within the gut. My doctors do not have such information. While the written report had lots of information and some suggestions, the reasoning and tradeoffs behind the recommendations came alive by talking to you about it.”
Scott H. 
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Order your test kit now and join us on the road to optimal gut health

Sampling takes less than 5 minutes and you’ll receive your personalized report in 3-4 weeks so you can start taking smart steps towards optimal health.

two envelopes and a gut testing swaba box, a mobile phone and part of an envelope for a gut testing application